This website is dedicated to exploring how people, cultures, and organizations experience and practice balance around the world. I cover topics to improve one’s health, lifestyle, spirituality, community, and environment in order to achieve balance.
Posts will explore daily living, people, cultures, spirituality, and societies that I have had interactions with or have learned about from around the world.
Reiki, Aromatherapy, and Herbalism/Healthy Living Advice are available to those needing help with their own personal journey to balanced living.
Writing and Editing services are provided to companies and websites with an interest in health and lifestyle content.
This website is meant to share the knowledge and experiences that I have acquired from my work and travels around the world. There needs to be a global understanding that we can change our world for the better when we begin to make changes to ourselves and our immediate environment. There are always lessons to be learned from those around us, whether they are friends, acquaintances, or complete strangers. We just need to pay attention, wherever we are, and take those lessons to improve ourselves. A domino effect occurs when we make positive changes. We all need to set an example for each other and future generations. The key is being in a balanced state before we make major decisions in our life.
When we take the steps to create the feeling of balance in our own lives (Reiki being a great source of self-balance), we then open ourselves up to make choices in our lives that bring more balance into it.
When we all take the time to care for ourselves, our immediate environment and communities, we open the door to a healthy balanced world.
Let me show you how.
Hi Constandina,
I read your article in Pamela’s New Letter and I would like to publish it in French.
I publish a quarterly Reiki magazine (the only paper magazine in France), and I think your article is a very good paper for all the women in this stage of their life.
Thank you for answering to my direct mail :
With my best wishes,