Category Archives: North America

Grow Oregano and Thyme for Health and Environment


Oregano and Thyme are two of my favourite herbs of all time. For me they are basic, and a staple in the Greek diet. They are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, immune boosting, and provide wonderful flavor to so many different types of foods. Plus, they are bee magnets.

In Greece thyme and oregano grow everywhere. Particularly in mountainous areas – which are the best places to gather them. However, there is one small environmental factor that many people forget about these herbs.  Their flowers provide food and nourishment for the bees of Greece and anywhere else these herbs grow. The wonderful outcome of bees being fed and nourished by thyme and oregano in Greece is the creation of some of the best tasting honey you will ever eat in your lifetime!

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Response to a Senseless Act

Perspective on Las Vegas Shooting October 2017

Does the killing of innocent people who are enjoying themselves at a concert make sense?

No, it doesn’t. Nor is it right. Many lost their lives senselessly by a man who had no criminal or psychological record.  From the outside he looked like he had success in business. What would push someone like this to harm others?

We have free will. We all have the ability to make the choice between being kind to people, or doing them harm, either physically or mentally.

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Colorado Healthy Heat – Green Chilies

By Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

The Colorado Rockies are not only hot during the summer months, but they also mark the growing and harvest season of a favorite vegetable in southern Colorado, the Green Chili. Roasted they are smoky and sweet, and come in a variety of heat levels. They also pack a punch when it comes to health benefits.

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Chickens in the Backyard Can Balance Community

By Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

Would you put a chicken coop and chickens in your backyard if your city by-laws approved it?  I recently moved to Colorado and although I knew that anyone could raise chickens in their backyard, I never thought my neighbor across the street would actually have them. The benefits: cleaner environment, healthier product, educational, and encourages community interaction – all of which, when combined promotes a balanced community lifestyle. Read on to understand why these are benefits.

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My Digital Photo Given an Honorable Mention Award

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

I entered a digital photo in the Scott Air Force Base Annual Art and Craft Show 2013, where quite a lot of talented artists work or have a spouse that work on base. I was fortunate to win an Honorable Mention Award in the Photography Category, where I also entered my photo in the show’s theme, “America the Beautiful.”  My photograph was titled Hope, Strength, and Faith in our Soldiers.”  This Art show is apparently one of the US Air Force’s best.  I am truly honored.  My digital photo was purchased by one of the attendees to the art show, another honor, but if anyone else would like to purchase it I will be making copies of it for sale.

Description of Photo:  The Saint Louis Gateway Arch resembles the image of a rainbow symbolizing hope. Its metal structure is a symbol of strength.  The American flag in front and centered under the Arch symbolizes the unity of all states and how each state contributes to that strength.  A member of the National Guard is parachuting through the Arch with the colors of the United States, symbolizing the faith we have in our military to get the nation through every crossroad (smoke from plane in the form of an X) the country may face.




New Twist on Helping People get out of Debt

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

Today the television program CBS Sunday Morning had a news clip on a collection agency that actually helps people get out of debt.  Yes, you read correctly, helps a person in debt get out of debt!  Finally, a new idea, service to others, and making a bad situation better for all involved.

In the CBS story, the owner,  Bill Bartman, of CFS II Debt Collection Agency,  talked about how the old mentality of hounding debtors to get money they don’t have doesn’t work. I think we’ve all heard someone’s story about a collections agency being nasty to a friend in the past, but this company has taken on a new approach, ‘let’s help the client find ways to make money to pay back the debt.’ Yup! This agency helps the individual in debt find a job, fix their resume, remind them about when their first job interview is, and literally works with them to get out of debt. Continue reading

George Stroumboulopoulos – From Music to Consciousness

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

Outspoken and open to the world, George Stroumboulopoulos is Canada’s bridge between its youth and its older, structured adult world.  His young peers love him because he listens to them, speaks their language, and explains things to them on a level they can relate to, while adults love him because he asks the difficult questions.

Before I interviewed George I wasn’t sure what to expect, after speaking with him  I was so impressed with his intelligence and humor that I’ve had a crush on him ever since. He doesn’t mince his words and is truly honest about all topics of social interest. What you see on TV is the real thing, and better yet he lacks the arrogance that other TV personalities have.  He is a person that inspires his audience to change and get involved in issues that matter to them.

I can quote him on so many things and topics, but one of my favorites is when I asked him about the advice he would give to his young peers and fans, he answered with a response that could be applied to anyone at any age, and that is, “Be what you want to be.  Live on your own terms, otherwise you will be fake.  If everybody did what their parents wanted them to be, then everyone would be a doctor or lawyer, and we wouldn’t have artists.”  He also suggested they read the book “Travels with Charley,” which is an amazing non-fiction road trip featuring celebrated author, John Steinbeck.

Having a balanced healthy life includes being honest with yourself, asking difficult questions, and as George said, “be what you want to be. Live on your own terms, otherwise you will be fake.”  Keeping up with the Jones’ is more stressful than living on your own terms. Trying to always impress friends and family will take it’s toll on your health, especially if you put their needs ahead of yours all the time.

George Strouboulopoulos had great input on how to live life that we can all follow.  He is currently still hosting the Hour on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and started a show on CNN through the summer season of 2013 on Friday nights. Hopefully CNN will keep him on longer so the world can be inspired.  If you want to read more from my interview with him click on the link below.

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Petition to force large food corporations to list ALL their ingredients

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

There is a deception going on in the food corporation world, where marketing and packaging of food products tend to not list if genetically modified food is part of the ingredients on the package. We as the public do not know what these ingredients can do in the long term to our bodies, there has not been long-term research done.

Sign the Environment Working Groups Petition if you want to know if your food is genetically modified or has ingredients that have been genetically modified.

Follow this link and add your information:



Angelos Bratis – Dutch Desire

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

I love fashion. Sometimes just looking at pretty things like a clothing or accessories can perk up your mood.  Here is an article I wrote in 2006 on a Greek-Dutch designer who premiered at New York’s Fashion Week and gives some great advice to keep your wardrobe simple and not overly indulgent.  You don’t need a lot of clothing in your closet, you just need a few right pieces to get you to a lot of places.

A balanced lifestyle also means you don’t have a need to own a lot of material things, and don’t look for a lot of material things to feel good about yourself. Feeling good about yourself comes from within you, but usually comes after a number of life challenges. The key is to find your inner strength. Your exterior is just icing on the cake.

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