Tag Archives: Environment

Grow Oregano and Thyme for Health and Environment


Oregano and Thyme are two of my favourite herbs of all time. For me they are basic, and a staple in the Greek diet. They are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, immune boosting, and provide wonderful flavor to so many different types of foods. Plus, they are bee magnets.

In Greece thyme and oregano grow everywhere. Particularly in mountainous areas – which are the best places to gather them. However, there is one small environmental factor that many people forget about these herbs.  Their flowers provide food and nourishment for the bees of Greece and anywhere else these herbs grow. The wonderful outcome of bees being fed and nourished by thyme and oregano in Greece is the creation of some of the best tasting honey you will ever eat in your lifetime!

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Hormone Disruptors in your Personal Care Products and the Effects on your Body

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

First published in February 2013 at – http://menopausemission.com/hormone-disruptors-in-your-personal-care-products-and-the-effects-on-your-body

In my previous article, Exercise for Better Menopausal Health, I wrote about how hormones are affected during menopause and the importance of exercise to release toxins from the body, as well as get the body’s hormone levels back in balance to decrease and prevent a number of symptoms of menopause.  Your body’s hormone levels are so unpredictable when you don’t take an active role in keeping them in balance, which could lead to extreme reactions in your body such as severe depression and weight gain.  Although we can’t control the toxins in the air we breathe that can affect hormone levels, we can control the toxins, chemicals, and hormone disruptors that can get in our bodies when it comes to choosing cosmetics, face and body creams, as well as soap and bath products.   Continue reading

Energy Saving Tips

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

Part of leading a balanced lifestyle includes being kind to the environment. That means not wasting energy in your home, and considering using renewable energy sources.  Here is an article I wrote about energy saving tips that will help you be kinder to the environment.

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