Yellow Dye Removed From Some Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

Be happy knowing that as of today, Kraft is going to follow European standards and remove the controversial Yellow Dye from some of their Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner products.  Research studies have found the dye connected to some cancers as well as contributing to ADHA in children.

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner made in European factories has replaced the dye with a natural substitute for years now.  The harmful yellow dye was known as Yellow #5 and Yellow #6 on food labels.  The change in the recipe is said not to affect the flavor of the original recipe.  The dye is a cheaper way of making this product, but it took a couple of concerned mom bloggers to start a movement and petition to remove the dye from Kraft Mac & Cheese Dinner after receiving thousands of protests and signatures (including mine) to get them to revert to the European Standards.  See petition here:

Just goes to show that if you want to have a healthy version of your comfort food, if you get enough people to demand it be made healthier, the manufacturers will actually listen. Don’t fear the power of your opinion and voice, it will help you maintain a healthy balance in your life.

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