Tag Archives: peri-menopause

Discuss Hormone Balance and Peri-Menopause when you are 35

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

First Published in September 2013 at: http://menopausemission.com/discuss-hormone-balance-and-peri-menopause-when-you-are-35

Suzanne Somers was on Good Morning America (GMA) a few days ago talking about the importance of women looking after their hormones and keeping them in check. Suzanne has been an amazing advocate of women’s health and wellness and has just released a new book aimed at women from 35 to 50 who think they are too young to be thinking about hormones and menopause. In it she also talks a lot about Natural Hormone Therapy, a controversial topic for many. She cleverly titled her new book, “I’m Too Young for This!” You are never too young to talk about your hormones, each generation has their issues with them, but what you do with that information is more important.  Continue reading

Effort and Patience – The Crucial Keys to Menopausal Health

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

First published at www.menomission.com in November 2012  http://menopausemission.com/effort-and-patience-the-crucial-keys-to-menopausal-health

This is the first of a series on changing your life step by step during menopause. Look for the next article, Menopausal Healthy Holiday Season.

How serious are you about feeling better and overcoming the physical, mental and psychological changes that go along with menopause? This is the question you have to ask yourself, and if you truly want to feel good again, keep reading. If you are going to be selective and not going to put in the effort to work on every aspect of your life stop reading here, don’t waste your time, you are likely to continue feeling bad. There are no short cuts to a healthy life, so know that when you put 100% effort in getting your body in balance you will see results. You just need a little patience, results will not be seen overnight.   Continue reading

Meditation for a Balanced Life

Constadina Zarokostas-Vasiliades

First Published at http://menopausemission.com/author/constadina-vasiliades/page/2         September 2012

Far too often when people hear the word “meditation” images of a toga-draped Buddhist sitting in an incense-filled room chanting “OM” comes to mind, but the main goal of meditation is in fact to shut off the mind and focus on breathing.  Our daily lives consist of a variety of stresses leading to us unconsciously holding our breath when we feel tension. This briefly prevents oxygen from getting to our brains, sometimes making us dizzy, confused, and disoriented, and sometimes more stressed.  Stress has a major effect on our hormones and when you are at the stage in your life where you are either about to enter menopause or already going through it, adding one more factor to change your hormone levels can in fact influence how your body copes with various menopause symptoms.   Continue reading